Introducing the Professional Ethical Framework for Australian Academics (The Framework)

In February 2021, the Australian Association of University Professors (AAUP) established the Ethics Working Party to explore the nature of academic work in the more accountable higher education (HE) environment of today. The working party has conducted an extensive review of national and international literature and developed The Professional Ethical Framework for Australian Academics (The Framework).

After three initial iterations of development largely with AAUP members, the AAUP Council has agreed to open-up The Framework documentation for wider consultation. To this end, the working party has obtained ethical clearance and established an action research project to further develop The Framework based on feedback from a wide cross section of our academic colleagues. It aims to define the professional academic role in the more accountable HE context of today. A peer reviewed paper has been published outlining the progression of this work (Kenny, Bird, Blackmore, Brandenburg, Nicol, Seemann, Wang & Wilmshurst, 2024) and we encourage our academic colleagues from around the globe to play an active role in further developing and promoting The Framework:

  1. To access The Framework, click here
  2. To learn more about the on-going research project and how you might participate, click here


Kenny, J.D., Bird, M., Blackmore, J., Brandenburg, R., Nicol, D., Seemann, K., Wang, B. & Wilmshurst, T. (2024). Putting a stake in the ground: the development of a Professional Ethical Framework for Australian Academics. Higher Education,